The Chaska Area Quilt Club will:
- Provide a meeting place for our quilters.
- Promote quilting skills through shared knowledge and planned lessons.
- Provide encouragement and support for beginners.
- Provide a showcase for all quilters.
The CAQC was founded in 1988 by Chaska residents Audree Sells and Phyllis Eder. The interest in and need for an organized club was spurred by the success of "The Heritage Quilt", a community project sponsored by the Chaska Historical Society in 1987 and made for the city of Chaska.
Current Involvement:
The club is a member of the Arts Consortium of Carver County and is working with the The Barn Quilts of Carver County project.

Click here to download the club Bylaws.
Click here to download the club Policies and Procedures.